Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's all rubbish!!

Ha! I've finally got my bin out for collection on the 'right' day and in the 'right' place... it's taken me a little old while to get used to the steps in my front garden and the fact they come at silly o'clock in the morning, but we're there! All empty and looking good... well, as good as a dirty old bin can look?!
Anyway, as a result of my 'tardy' bin behaviour I have been honing my recycling and composting skills again (and even feeding a few worms in the 'can-o-worms' that my landlady left in the garden!)
So, now I am demonstrating best practise bin skills I am hoping that I never have to sneak stuff into the neighbours bins or get Dom from HastyWaste to clear some bags.
BUT if you ever do need anything removing.. be it household rubbish, garden rubbish or even bulking one offs get in touch with him.
Or One Call Clear are pretty good too:

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