Yes Yes, I know the most important part of being environMENTAL is of course.... reduce! Do you need it? Probably not....don't buy it then!!
But......ilike, iwant, ineed.....shoes!!
So here are some very interesting eco shoes which I found whilst journeying around the world of internet shopping.
Surely this describes so accurately what every woman wants in a shoe.....
'easy to catch the last train and using all eco friendly materials do so with a good conscience.' (- aha! I did wonder what I needed for a good conscience!!)
Light Weight
An essential component of eco design is lightness - things are less energy consuming and easier to ship around the world. It is also good for you to have light footwear - take a load off.
We believe in freeing your feet. Super flexible soles allow your feet to work and walk as designed! See Vivo Barefoot!
Vegetable Tanned
Vegetable tanned leather is a natural alternative to Chrome tanning. The leather is prepared using vegetable extracts that create beautiful deep leathers.
Locally Sourced
Where possible we try to source materials local to the factories where our products are manufactured - minimising on transportation.
We try to use as many different recycled materials as possible - from soling materials to old coats and parachutes.
hmmmm.... retailing at £90 a pair from www.terraplana.com I'd hope they'd include the train ticket too!
and the picture on their home page of people with animal heads .. that didn't get a mention?
Yes I think Lisa is slightly jealous....makes her plastic masks look a little lame now!!
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