Millet, millet, millet! The best thing I can think of for millet is to feed it to the pigeons!!
But no.....what is this?... a tasty sounding recipe with millet in it?
It's a millet pudding (same as rice pudding but with millet instead)
With my family as the guinea pigs (or pigeons) I am trying this out. It is cooking as we speak......
and then I will feed it to them, and then I will really see whether it is worth ever buying millet again!?
Here's the recipe, try it yourself and see what you think (apologies for the American measurements, it seems they are the only people who make anything with millet):
3/4 cup of Millet
3 cups of Milk (soya or alternative if you like)
2 tablespoons of Sugar (brown gives it a nice flavour)
1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
Stick it all in a pan, bring to the boil, simmer gently til millet is cooked stirring occasionally to stop it sticking.
So, how did it go? Is it nice with raspberry jam on top, like rice pudding is?
um..... yes of course it is nice!?! i would suggest
a ratio of about 4:1, jam to millet!?
that's surely jam. With millet pudding on the side?
yeah, i'd probably leave out the millet pudding bit, maybe toast some bread and have the jam with that!! I'm not a good advert for millet now am I?
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