I've just realised this is my second chicken blog! It's not that I'm crazy about chickens but....I just saw this and wanted to write about it.
There's something quite wrong about battery chickens.... yes there's the obvious; crammed into a cage too small, standing day and night on wire mesh floor, the artificial lighting, ammonia filled environment, pumped with antibiotics and ending up starving to death because they become too weak to reach their food or water...(they must dream of becoming soup.)
Yes, this is sick, but what shocks me more is we, 'educated' human beings, stewards of this planet, take ourselves down to the 'civilised' supermarket and buy eggs laid by these poor creatures. How strange we are....!?
I order my organic free range eggs with my vegetable box and the local butcher in Boscombe also sells free range eggs. I expect if I was really desperate I could go to the supermarket, but then I would be given the choice to 'cash in' for the cheaper caged hen eggs because, to be fair, when you're in a big sparkly supermarket you're far removed from the reality of the battery chicken!
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