Ha ha!! I knew it! I've got rid of the car and now I've evolved overnight into the most self-righteous pedestrian in existence!! When I find the middle ground I might be a nicer, more tolerant individual but until then......car drivers..watch out!!!
DID YOU KNOW.....?? (and of course we, I mean YOU, car drivers do know all this we're just too lazy and selfish to care!?)
Driving a car is the most polluting act an average citizen commits.
That's way above eating those environmentally un-friendly methane-passing cows and buying vegetables that have been flown across the planet to our local shops.
Pollution from cars has increased to levels greater than they have ever been:
The two main reasons are:
1. vehicle use has increased;
2. cars are getting bigger and pick-up trucks, vans and sports vehicles are often replacing smaller, lighter passenger cars. The average new vehicle in 2003 consumed more fuel that its counterpart in 1988.
I now walk to school every morning, it takes us a good half an hour, but me and my little girl have amazing conversations about all sorts of stuff... and we laugh at the fact that we walk faster than the traffic most of the time!!
It's all quite ironic in a way, we are constantly barraged with car adverts selling a fantasy of wilderness, fresh air and escape.
Is the consumer completely deluded? These vehicles are mostly found in suburban driveways and in the traffic jams of polluted cities....
and for the ridiculous article I recently read on the times online: Walking to the shops ‘damages planet more than going by car’ (because apparently the amount of beef (those poor victimised creatures) I would need to eat to produce the extra calories I would need to walk has a worse effect on the environment!?! whatever next!!??) - I have not increased my food consumption one bit, and I expect that most of us wouldn't need to increase our calories at all if we were walking because we could all do with the health benefits of losing a bit of weight - aren't we all told we're obese in this country anyway??
Leave the car at home and leave the cow alone!!