Monday, November 26, 2007

Father Christmas in Bournemouth Square

It's Christmas soon!! And it makes me so glad when I look around the place that I don't 'do' Christmas! It's not that I'm a scrooge type that doesn't enjoy anything nice and fun.....but really, find me something nice and fun about the commercialism of Christmas.
I don't mean that I shut the door and turn all the lights off waiting with a loaded shotgun for Father Christmas to tumble out of my fireplace, what I do mean is that you won't catch me queueing in any of the high street shops, plastic card in hand, spending ridiculous amounts of money on mass produced rubbish that the unsuspecting recipient doesn't even want.......
So, look who we found in Bournemouth looks like someone already got there with the shot gun idea...and maybe that horrid 'wax dipped teddy' idea wasn't so novel after all - Lisa?
So how did I get on with 'Buy Nothing Day' on Saturday?? well, of course I bought nothing! and did I encourage anyone else to follow suit and scrap commercialism just for one day?? no, of course I didn't!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Breast Enhancing Muesli!!

I was wandering aimlessly around our local Boots store when my eye casually fell upon a box called 'Voluptuo'!! A natural breast enhancing supplement for fuller, firmer and larger breasts in just 10 weeks. (I would like to point out that I was not purposefully looking for this product and am fully secure with the size of most of my body parts.) But on having seen the box I was intrigued as to what was in it!
What about this for an ingredients list......
Hops, Buckwheat, Oats, Malt, Barley, Rye, Wheat, Maize, Soya!!!
Hang on a minute.....I've seen these ingredients before... in the my local wholefood and eco store 'Urban Evolution' of all places!!
In a BAG OF MUESLI!!! well, most of them anyway!
So ladies, stuff the supplements!! Try a nice bowl of muesli (Buckwheat, Oats, Malt, Barley, Rye, Wheat, Maize) with soya milk washed down with a pint of beer (hops) and you men..... um, you'd better watch out if you're the muesli eating, beer swilling type... It's man boobs for you!!

The positive side effects of these supplements as written on the side of the box were: better nail and hair growth and skin condition, better bowel movements, a positive frame of mind and a feeling of improved fitness - says it all doesn't it?? All from a pint of beer and a good breakfast........

Sunday, November 18, 2007

How to stay cold and cough free this Winter!!

I hate having a cold! or a cough for that matter and as winter kicks in so too do the runny noses!! I know when winter starts and finishes because my little boy Isaac has a nasty, runny, mostly crusty nose from start to finish. But not this year, hopefully. I am optimistic about beating this cold thing with Postlethwaite's Echinacea spray from Urban Evolution!! Echinacea is a herb that apparently helps boost the immune system although all the studies I've read claim it does nothing of the sort! Bah humbug, I'm trying it anyway!
So I have to spray this very 'interesting' tasting remedy onto my tongue, 5 sprays 5 times a day. So now not only do I spend half the day running after Isaac to wipe his nose I spend the other half chasing him round administering Echinacea!! He's never had so much attention in his life......... I'll let you know how I get on but if anyone else wants to have a go,
try for your own bottle of Postlethwaite's Echinacea Spray.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Buy Nothing Day - Bournemouth

On November 24th 2007 it's Buy Nothing Day, and I was thinking, just how hard is it not to buy anything just for one day? I've just discovered a taste for buying clothes at the moment...but surely i could curb my craving just for one day of the year......
but i've realised its not just about NOT buying anything its about making a statement too... have a look at this link for an few campaign ideas......
and remember buy your essentials from the Boscombe Wholefood Co-op on Friday 23rd November in Boscombe instead, so you don't get caught out!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Mooncup Madness!!

Ok, if you're a bloke and you don't like thinking, reading, talking periods then stop reading now!! If on the otherhand you are neither a bloke, nor a bloke bothered by all that blood and stuff (pat yourself on the back for getting this far) then carry on..... Have you heard about the mooncup??
What a fabulous invention (obviously by a woman)...let me tell you all about it!
The Mooncup is a reusable menstrual cup around two inches long and made from soft silicone rubber. It is worn internally like a tampon but collects menstrual fluid rather than absorbing. Unlike tampons the Mooncup is not a disposable product, so you only need to buy one.......
I bought one about 8 months ago and I love it, I would recommend every woman have a look at the website and see how good they are.
you can also buy them from