Picture this.....Boscombe filled with people all riding around on these bikes!! Slowing up the traffic, making car drivers angry and pedestrians happy!!
It's actually not a bike at all, but a load carrying tricycle that can be, and is, used for anything from transporting kids to getting the shopping home. Copenhagen’s postal service runs a 100-strong fleet of these pollution-free trikes.
Originally built in 1978 as a transport alternative for the car-free autonomous zone of Christiania, the bike soon became common on Copenhagen’s streets. The popularity of the trike is not limited to Denmark...there's a shop in London called 'Zero is Best' that sells them and Urban Evolution, a company based in Boscombe with social aims, plans to buy 5 of them and rent them out to locals and tourists alike.
Get ready for a revolution on the streets of Boscombe........