Weirdly enough I am thinking about Ice Cream... maybe it's because I've just watched The Apprentice on BBC iplayer and they've just been making and selling it, but anyway, in a beautifully random way I thought..."I wonder if there's such a thing as Eco Ice Cream" and, I think you can guess what I'm gonna say...
Mackie's of Scotland produce Eco Ice Cream!!
Mackie's ice cream is made with fresh milk, cream and 100% renewable energy.
and how do they do this?
Ice cream manufacturers Mackie's of Scotland have their own energy supply - three Vestas V52 wind turbines - referred to as "Mackie's", "Ice" and "Cream". Each of these graceful machines have a 45 metre turbine and three 25 metre blades on the turning propeller and capacity to produce 850KW of power - so a total capacity at the farm of 2.5 MW.
The ice cream tubs show a wind turbine icon with the declaration "made with 100% renewable energy". This is important to Mackie's and is part of their ongoing commitment to have a carbon neutral site and become the greenest company in Britain.
Mmmmmmm...I want some!!!!
Ah, unfortunately they sell all their Ice Cream to all the big supermarket monsters in the UK, so maybe we won't be sampling it very soon... (I'm still in shock from my last supermarket visit)... oh well, can't win 'em all I suppose, next up.... an ethical, organic eco ice cream...am I asking too much??